
If you feel like running around Matsudo station or in edogawa, what facilities are convenient for you?
Answer → Miyamae-yu Miyamae-yu, located next to Matsudo Shrine, is a historic public bathhouse that…
答え→宮前湯 松戸神社の隣に佇む「宮前湯」は、昭和16年から続く歴史ある銭湯です。 3代目によって守られ…
Q.If you were to give a gift to an friend of yours, what would it be? A.Matsudo’s famous confectionery “Yagiri no Watashi-bune” and others ( If Matsu 2 – Specialty 1)
What if you were to bring a famous Matsudo sweet to an acquaintance? In the previous 'If Matsu 1,' …
Q.もし知り合いに松戸の銘菓をもっていくとしたら? A.松戸銘菓「矢切の渡し舟」ほか
もし知り合いに松戸の銘菓をもっていくとしたら? 前回の「もし松1」では、松戸駅から徒歩7分、創業104年…
【If Matsu①】What should you do if you have an hour to spare at Matsudo Station? A. Visit the traditional Eisei-dou shop → Matsudo Shrine → Snack at the Edo River
How should one spend their time if they have an hour to spare at Matsudo Station? "How many people …
Q.もし松戸駅で1時間余ったとき、どう過ごす? A.老舗栄泉堂→松戸神社→江戸川でおやつ (もし松1-観光1)
もし松戸駅で1時間余ったときはどう暇つぶししよう 松戸駅って1日どれくらいの人が使っているのでしょうか…